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Social Initiatives...


Akantu Coffee CIC Launched


Surveying & reinvesting. Donating £1000 to Shishton Project


Surveying & reinvesting. Donating £1000 to Shishton Project


Surveying & reinvesting. Donating £1000 to Shishton Project


£40,000 to upgrade building facilities for Shishton AMCOS and Etingare Primary school


Project one completion. Next project starting

Support, Sustain, Succeed 

With a key focus on coffee-growing communities, we aim to carry out activities that will benefit agricultural businesses and schools in areas with high poverty rates. Prioritising quality, performance and sustainable development of the identified organisations. 

1st Project: Shishton

Our first exciting project is in Shishton, a small village in Kintori with around 800 households that largely depend on coffee production as a means of income. 

Shishton AMCOS is the association that manages the coffee production in the area but unfortunately, due to lack of funding the association and its members are not producing and growing as much as they could be. They have great potential, but the lack of capital blocks their prosperity. 

The majority of the farmer's children attend the local Etingare Primary school. A great school with top and caring teachers but again, due to limited funding, the school is unable to grow and efficiently facilitate and nurture young minds to strive and reach their full potential.

Akantu is planning to turn the situation around by working with the teachers and farmers to create the ideal conditions for growth and prosperity for the two beautiful organisations and in effect, improve the livelihood of the entire community.


Shishton AMCOS Association and its members have great potential to produce high-quality coffee in profitable quantities.

The main area restricting growth is lack of capital needed for coffee processing and storing facilities:

  • De-pulping machines 

  • Fermentation equipment and washing facilities 

  • Drying racks



From 2023 to 2026, Akantu will focus on supporting Shishton AMCOS with the basic essentials to keep the business moving in the right direction:

  • Post-harvest processing equipment: De-pulping, fermentation, washing and drying

  • Basic farming tools: Pruning shears, Pruning saws, Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, etc.   

  • Protective clothing

  • Fertilisers 

  • Chemicals and spraying equipment 

In 2026, Akantu will help construct Shishton’s coffee processing point with industry-standard machinery, which will significantly increase the farmer's productivity and support the Association to control the quality and speed of production.

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